Thursday, May 28, 2009

Data Collection & IRB work

Okay, I'm working hard to get this IRB application done so that all the data will be legit and within the time frame that is given on the application. I'm on lightning speed trying to get this done before school gets out and just feel like I am on a real time crunch. I'm really ambiguous as to whether or not I need to provide certain information on the IRB application. Anyone done yet so I can see if I'm on the right page?

Well, on a good note, I met with my principal today to get her approval and told her I would be writing a letter for her to sign, giving me permission to do the study at the school. She loves the whole idea that I am doing and is so supportive. :)


  1. Hi Heidi, I'm glad you met with the principal--I just did yesterday. It feels good to get the support. I posted my IRB on my website if you want to take a look, but I'm not sure I did it 100% correct either.

  2. Well, I learned that mine was not quite correct because I will need a full review, the study is not exempt because it will be at school. It seems weird though since I won't be doing anything that I could not have been doing all along without anyone's permission or consent but oh, well. I am rapidly thinking that I might take the test since I still don't know what I will be teaching next year and it seems like a lot of work and time could be wasted if I wind up in a class where I can't do the study.

  3. Hey Heidi,
    I am also happy to hear of the positive support you are receiving! My principal was a little concern that the district might have policies prohibiting research--I'm pretty sure I am ok though :)
    Hope all is going well! Just remember we are all climbing up the same hill, one step at a time--the trick is not to look up too often! :)
