Sunday, May 31, 2009

Session 8 (IRB, Consent Form, Survey)

Here is the link to the IRB application, the consent form, and the survey that I want to hand out to parents.

I'm still confused about the consent form. If you are using people on the DVD, school staff, does that need IRB approval? This isn't technically part of the research, but this is the development phase already. The IRB is for the actual research that is going to be done...right?

Any thoughts? Thanks :)


  1. Heidi, I was wondering the same thing. Do I need consent forms to give to parents and staff to give me input?

  2. IRB sounds like it covers the whole process. I think you only needed permission if you were using kids but it would probably be better to cover yourself with the permission slip.

  3. Hello Heidi,
    I was excited to hear that your son was able to try the prototype. I really like how he was able to engage in the learning process by listening to the word then saying the word…very cute ;)

    I'm excited to see what the quiz will look like too :)

    Thank you for your positive feedback.

  4. The IRB request should cover the whole process. Anytime you collect information from a person with the intent to publish that information in some form you need to have IRB approval.

    It can be confusing!
