Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I made a lot of revisions today.

1. revised my ideas and added in a focus group
2. revised my literature review (added summary but still need to add more to last focus area)
3. revised my masters proposal
4. revised my IRB application

**I still need to work on 2 consent forms - one for parents and one for teachers
**I still need to work on prototype (PowerPoint storyboard of DVD)

If you want to check out any of my revisions, here is the link :) Thanks Dr. Newberry for all the suggestions!


  1. Hello Heidi,
    I like your survey. It is clear, to the point, and is very brief in the amount of time to fill out the information. You have given me an idea ;)


  2. It sounds like you are right on track. I need to spend some time tomorrow on this class. I keep getting side tracked by 676d, the Dream weaver class. I tell myself that I'm only going to work on it for an hour and the next thing I know several hours have gone by and I still haven't got the pages to look the way I want them to.

  3. Heidi, I took a look at your parent survey and IRB consent form--both look great. Do you have Dr. Baek as the contact person since she will be first reader or have you spoken with her? I put Dr. Newberry, but Dr. Baek is going to be first reader since she is teaching 699 next year. Hmm...

  4. Heidi, It looks like you have been busy. I liked the survey. How would you inform the parents about the discipline? Is it the rules and consequences or more about referrals and detentions? I know for my school, the parents aren't always informed about the referrals because the students hide them.
